Monday 6 November 2017

Difference between Conventional current And Electric current

Conventional Current and Electric current

In the beginning of study of current, many well-known scientists believed that current is flow of positive charges(Protons) And direction of the current was believed to be from positive terminal to negative terminal this concept emerge when electrons were not discovered, and there was very little knowledge of negative charge carriers(Neutrons), This concept of current is known as conventional current in which current is defined as flow of positive charge carrier(protons) But after the discovery of negative charge carriers(electrons) the concept of current was ultimately changed and then current was considered as flow of electrons till now and the direction of current can be determined as from high potential to low potential,Actually both definitions of current are equivalent to each other because the number of electrons flow from one point to other is same as the number of protons flow exactly to opposite it i,e Electrons flow from negative terminal to positive terminal can also be considered as protons flow from positive terminal to negative terminal.

Saturday 7 October 2017

Physics MCQs with explanation and examples

Physics mcqs

                                   Physics MCQs 

                           with explanation & examples

MCQs #1

 Newton's _______ law of motion is also called definition of Inertia.

A. first law of motion
B.Second law of motion
C.third law of motion
D. none of them

Answer: A

MCQs #2

 Two vectors are added by _________rule.

A. Right hand rule
B. left hand rule
C.tail to tail rule
D. Head to tail rule

Answer: D

MCQs #3

 If the magnitude of two vectors is the same as the magnitude of their addition (i.e |A|=|B|=|A+B|) then the angle between them will be_____.

A. 45 degree
B. 60 degree
C.120 degree
D.90 degree

Answer: 120 degree

Explanation; Let A=B=2 units and angle is 120 degree, then

|A+B|=√4+4+2x2x2cos120    [ cos120=-1/2]


|A|=|B|=|A+B| proved.

MCQs #4

 In projectile motion when maximum range is doubled then velocity will be _____.

A.multiplied by square root of  2
B. will be divided by square root of 2
C.will be multiplied by 2
D. will be divided by 2


explanation: let velocity is 2 m/s and g=10 then

Range(max)= v^2 sin2theta/g

Now let velocity= √2 x 2 all other data is same 

Range(max)= (√2x2)^2 sin2x45/10
            = 0.4 hence range is doubled.

MCQs #5

What is average density of earth?

A.5000 kg/m^3
B.5500  kg/m^3
C.4000 kg/m^3
D.4500 kg/m^3


MCQs #6

For a point at the same distance above the surface and below the surface, the acceleration due gravity will decrease more_____.

A.Above the surface
B.Below the surface
C.Same at both points
D. none of them


Explanation: According to relation,

Change in acceleration due to gravity above the surface; g'=g(1-2h/R) 
where h=height g=9.8 m/sec^2 and R=radius of earth


Change in acceleration due to gravity below the surface; g'=g(1-d/R) here d=depth;

Now in height relation there is 2 in numerator that means it will be greater value in numerator in height relation than the depth relation when both height and depth are taken same value;Now obviously when we subtract greater value from 1 it will give us lesser value and when lesser value is multiplied with g it will produce smaller value hence a point at the same distance above the surface and below the surface, the acceleration due gravity will decrease more at height than the depth.

MCQs #7

When an elevator goes up with uniform velocity then the apparent weight will be_____.

A.increase by ma
b.decrease by ma
C.remain same as original weight
D.increase by 2ma.


According to formula ;

                                    Apparent weight=original weight+ma     (here m=mass,a=Acceleration when abody goes up or down)

According to given condition acceleration is zero because of uniform velocity.


                 Apparent weight=original weight+mx0

                         apparent weight=Original weight 

MCQs #8

If wavelength of a wave is 12m the first anti-node will be at_______.


Answer: A


 First anti-node is equal to wavelength/4 hence 12/4 is equal to 3m..

MCQs #9

If a ball is thrown in projectile motion at 60 degree it goes to a certain range, at what other angle the projectile will arrive at the same range.

A.25 degree
B.30 degree
C.45 degree
D.55 degree


Explanation:  When a body is thrown in projectile motion, there are two possible angles that will reach at same range except when angle is 45 degree.cbody is thrown at certain angle the difference between that angle and 45 degree will be added or subtracted from 45 degree.
 for example: If you have given 60 degree, here we can see that difference between 45 and 60 is of 15 degree Now we will subtract this 15 degree from 45 so we will get 30 degree this is other possible degree that will reach at same range and if we were given 30 degree then we would add 15 degree to 45 so we got 60 degree.


           If degree is given above the 45 then difference value will be subtracted and if we have given value less than 45 then we will  add the difference value.

MCQs # 10

Who discovered the value of G=6.67 x 10^-11 m3 kg-1 s-2?

D. none of them

Answer D: it is Cavendish.

MCQs # 11

Which  fringe is not possible in young's double slit experiment?

A.Zeroth bright fringe
B.1st bright fringe
C.1st dark fringe
D.Zeroth Dark fringe


MCQs # 12

A lens aberration in which multicoloured blurredimage is formed is called____?

A.Spherical aberration
B.Chromatic Aberration
C.Concave Aberration
D. none of them


Explanation: It's definition.

MCQs # 13

The periodic alternations of sound between maximum and minimum loudness is called ______.

A.Pitch of sound
B.frequency of sound
C.Beats of sound
D.Quality of sound


Explanation: It's definition 

MCQs # 14

1 torr is equal to to:

A.13.3 N/m^2
B.1.33 N/m^2
C.133.3 N/m^2
D.0.133 N/m^2

Answer: C

MCQs # 15

Kilo watt-hour is unit of;

D.both  B&C

Answer: D

Explanation: Power=Energy/time
                       hence Energy=Power x time 
                                           putting their units
                                      Energy= Kilo watt x hour
                   This is also unit of work because power is also defined as rate of doing work 
                                                            (i,e Power=work/time).

Tuesday 29 August 2017

Introduction to physics




What is Physics?

Physics is the branch of science that deals with the study of matter and energy,

What is matter and Energy?

In Physics, matter is simply anything that occupy some space and having some weight however energy is
complex thing in physics, something that done scientifically work has some energy so energy can be defined as "Ability to do Work".

What is work?

Physics define work as Any external energy displace a body by applying some external force is called work done.


Sunday 27 August 2017

Physics mcqs

Q#1 What is angle between radius and  centrepital acceleration?
a.0  b.90  c.180  d. 270

Answer is 180 degree , because redius is directed outward and centrepital  acceleration is directed toward center of circle

Q#2 If Area of plates and and separation between two parallel plates capacitor are doubled then the capacitance will become;

a. doubled b. unchanged  c.halved. d increase 4 times

Answer is " unchanged"; because capacitance is directly proportional to area and inversely proportional to the distance between plates of capacitor

Q#3 The angle between equipotential surface and electric lines of force is?

A.0 b.90 c.180 d.270

Answer is 90 degree; Because  equipotential surface is circular path around a charge and electric lines of force are coming outward from charge.

Q#4 Newton supported _______ nature of light.

a. particle b.wave c. dual nature d.none of them

Answer is Particle nature.

Q#5 Light wave can;

a. can be polarized b.need material for propagation not need any material for propagation  d.both a&c

Answer is both A&C; because light is electromagnetic wave.