Tuesday 29 August 2017

Introduction to physics




What is Physics?

Physics is the branch of science that deals with the study of matter and energy,

What is matter and Energy?

In Physics, matter is simply anything that occupy some space and having some weight however energy is
complex thing in physics, something that done scientifically work has some energy so energy can be defined as "Ability to do Work".

What is work?

Physics define work as Any external energy displace a body by applying some external force is called work done.


Sunday 27 August 2017

Physics mcqs

Q#1 What is angle between radius and  centrepital acceleration?
a.0  b.90  c.180  d. 270

Answer is 180 degree , because redius is directed outward and centrepital  acceleration is directed toward center of circle

Q#2 If Area of plates and and separation between two parallel plates capacitor are doubled then the capacitance will become;

a. doubled b. unchanged  c.halved. d increase 4 times

Answer is " unchanged"; because capacitance is directly proportional to area and inversely proportional to the distance between plates of capacitor

Q#3 The angle between equipotential surface and electric lines of force is?

A.0 b.90 c.180 d.270

Answer is 90 degree; Because  equipotential surface is circular path around a charge and electric lines of force are coming outward from charge.

Q#4 Newton supported _______ nature of light.

a. particle b.wave c. dual nature d.none of them

Answer is Particle nature.

Q#5 Light wave can;

a. can be polarized b.need material for propagation c.do not need any material for propagation  d.both a&c

Answer is both A&C; because light is electromagnetic wave.